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The Gospel of Mark, often considered the first written Gospel, is the shortest and most concise of the four gospels, and it presents a focused account of Jesus’ life and ministry. 

The story begins with the declaration that Jesus is the Messiah and Son of God, setting the tone for the entire narrative. Throughout the Gospel, Mark portrays Jesus as a powerful miracle worker and teacher who must ultimately suffer. The text emphasizes Jesus’ activities, including proclaiming the Gospel of the kingdom, healing the sick, and casting out demons. Mark’s account culminates in Jesus’ crucifixion, where he is depicted as suffering God’s wrath as a substitute for humanity, paying the ransom price of his death for our life. The Gospel concludes with an empty tomb and a challenge, as much for the reader as the women who first witnessed it: Will you tell others the Gospel of the crucified and risen Lord? 

Join us for our sixteen-week series, taking us through Easter Sunday as we explore the Gospel according to Mark on Sunday mornings and within our group-life settings.